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The best spot to place your piano at home

We are in the midst of summer, and it’s a good time to think about the best spot to place your piano at home and what better time to enjoy the relaxing music of your piano at home! At Jorquera Pianos, we understand that properly placing your piano at home is essential to optimize its performance and ensure its longevity. Whether you have a new or a reconditioned piano, this article will guide you on the best places to position your musical treasure in your home during this summer season.

Summer is a special time of year when the sun shines brightly, the days are longer, and an atmosphere of joy and vitality fills the air. On these hot days, the music of the piano can be like a gentle, refreshing breeze that fills your home with enchanting harmonies. Whether you are an avid pianist or simply enjoy listening to captivating melodies, the piano can provide an unparalleled musical experience.

However, for the music to flow smoothly and the piano to remain in optimal condition, it is essential to find the perfect spot to place it in your home.

The best spot to place your piano at home

Floor Level

Ensure that the piano is placed on a level and stable surface. An uneven floor can affect the piano’s stability and potentially cause tuning problems and premature wear.

Near a Window with Light Curtains

Placing your piano near a window can provide it with the perfect amount of natural light during the summer. However, make sure the curtains are light and can be closed when the sun is too intense to avoid damage to your piano from direct exposure.

Avoid Drafty Areas

While summer can be hot, drafts can negatively affect the tuning of your piano and cause the keys to not respond properly. Avoid placing your piano near doors or windows that are frequently opened.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

While natural light is good, direct sunlight can damage the piano’s surface and fine materials.

Cool and Controlled Environment

The temperature and humidity in your home can affect the piano’s performance. Look for a spot with a controlled and cool environment to protect your instrument from drastic weather changes.

Away from Heat Sources

Avoid placing the piano near radiators, stoves, or other heat sources. Excessive heat can damage the instrument, affect the glue that holds the pieces together, and even detune the piano.

Free Space around the Piano

Make sure you have enough free space around the piano so you can play comfortably and allow the sound to project adequately in the room. Also, it is important to place the piano at a reasonable distance from the wall to allow the sound to project properly. Leave enough space behind the piano for the sound to bounce and disperse in the room.

Consider the Room’s Acoustics

The acoustic characteristics of the room can affect the piano’s sound quality. Large rooms with high ceilings can provide a pleasant reverberation, while small rooms may make the sound brighter. Experiment with different locations to find the one that best suits the sound you desire.

Daily Needs of Your Piano

To keep your piano in impeccable condition and offer exceptional sound both during the summer and throughout the rest of the year, it is important to attend to its daily needs. Here are some essential guidelines:

Regular Tuning

Piano tuning is crucial to maintaining the instrument’s tonal accuracy. Make sure to schedule regular tunings with piano experts, especially when seasons change and humidity levels fluctuate. At Jorquera Pianos, we have the best technicians for piano tuning.

Cleaning and Care

Clean the keys and the piano’s exterior with a soft, dry cloth to remove dust and fingerprints. Use appropriate cleaning products for the piano’s finish.

Humidity Control

Excessive or insufficient humidity can damage the piano. Consider using dehumidifiers or humidifiers to maintain an optimal humidity level in the room.

Avoid Objects on the Surface

Avoid placing heavy or decorative objects on the piano’s surface, as they could damage the finish and even affect the sound.


At Jorquera Pianos, we know that a well-maintained and properly positioned piano can have a long life and fill your home with musical joy, especially during the hot summer days. Placing your piano near a window with light curtains, avoiding drafts and direct sunlight, and keeping it in a controlled environment are key aspects to ensuring its good condition. Don’t forget to attend to its daily needs, including regular tunings and proper care.

Whether you are looking for new or reconditioned pianos, or if you need piano tuning in Barcelona, Jorquera Pianos is here to provide you with the best assistance so that your piano is always in its best condition and remains the musical heart of your home for many years. Enjoy the summer and holidays with your piano!

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